Saturday 20 November 2010

changes to the crinoline

when making my crinoline i had to make changes as the ridgeoline was not strong enough to hold the structure that i designed as it was moving to much and would not hold it correctly when i would add my material on to it.

after struggling to make the original structure work i decided to make it out of thin boning that was more weighted and held better when i made it, the way that i made the pattern was by putting the pieces of fabric onto it and using a tailors chalk to mark out where the boning was hanging that i had made 8 cm apart from each other being precise was essential to making this hang correctly.

the material that i used is semi transparent silk that was £8.99 a meter which is to be added to my budget list.
i made a toile of my pattern piece that i made for the crinoline to make sure that it worked so i had confidence in what i had made.

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